On the 21st of August 2021, Dr. Georgios Zontos, MD, PhD, FISHRS along with Dr. Samuel M. Lam, MD, FACS, FISHRS, Chair, led the ISHRS 2021 Advanced/Board Review Course via live ZOOM sessions. The course provided the full scope of hair techniques and approaches for treating hair loss to those physicians seeking to advance their knowledge and expertise. The Live Mock Exam Session aimed at preparing the interested parties for the highly accredited American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS) certification and application process, the written and the oral exams.
In a fully successful event, Dr. Zontos moderated the Live Mock Exam Session with Dr. Lam and Dr. Rana M. Irfan, MBBS (Pakistan). The highly recognized hair experts shared the “screen” with their accredited colleagues, David S. Josephitis, DO, FISHRS (USA), Marco Barusco, MD, FISHRS (USA), and Shalini Malhotra, MBBS, DNB (India).
Overall, the online course included 39 authoritative lecture videos on advanced-level hair restoration surgery topics. Dr. Zontos was responsible and coordinated 13 of these lectures, which were in advanced level. This was an important opportunity for those physicians that wished to delve deeper into more advanced topics. In general, the topics that were covered were types of alopecia, patient selection and donor area, recipient area planning, ethics, emergencies, and complications.